西北农林科技大学, best365网页版登录官网, 教授
(3)2004-01至2017-12, 西北农林科技大学,best365网页版登录官网,副教授
(1)陕西省科学技术厅,重点产业创新链(群)-农业领域,2023-ZDLNY-46,“陕北地区集雨覆膜水肥一体化高产高效栽培技术研究及示范”子题“陕北地区主要杂粮集雨覆膜水肥一体化高产高效栽培技术研究”, 2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持
(2)中国科学技术部,“十四五”国家重点研发计划,2022YFD1900401,“新疆微灌土壤水肥气热盐互作机制与作物高产优质调控技术”子题“河西走廊绿洲井灌区精量微灌水肥协同提升技术集成与示范”,2022 年11 月 至 2025 年12 月,在研,主持
(7)中国科学技术部,“十三五”国家重点研发计划,2016YFC0400204 “陕北黄土高原特色经济林节水增效技术研究与集成应用”子题“陕北经济林滴灌技术及灌溉制度研究”,2016-07至2020-12,已结题,主持
(8)陕西省科学技术厅,陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划,2016TZC-N-14-5, “陕北风沙区设施林果节水提质增效技术集成与应用”子题“陕北风沙区设施桃树节水提质增效技术研究”,2016-01至2019-05,已结题,主持
[1] Bangxin Ding, Hongxia Cao, Jianghui Zhang, Yungang Bai, Zijian He, Shuchen Guo, Bei Wang, Zila Jia, Hongbo Liu.Biofertilizer application improved cotton growth, nitrogen use efficiency, and yield in saline water drip-irrigated cotton fields in Xinjiang, China. Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 205, 117553
[2] https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117553
[3] Zijian He, Chao Wang, Hongxia Cao*, Jiaping Liang*, Shuyao Pei, Zhijun Li. Nitrate Absorption and Desorption by Biochar. Agronomy. 2023, 13, 2440. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13092440
[4] Zijian He, Bangxin Ding, Shuyao Pei, Hongxia Cao*, Jiaping Liang*, Zhijun Li. The impact of organic fertilizer replacement on greenhouse gas emissions and its influencing factors. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 166917. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2023, 166917
[5] Bangxin Ding, Yungang Bai*, Shuchen Guo, Zijian He, Bei Wang, Hongbo Liu, Jiangrui Zhai, Hongxia Cao*. Effect of irrigation water salinity on soil characteristics and microbial communities in cotton fields in southern Xinjiang, China. Agronomy. 2023, 13, 1679. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13071679
[6] Zijian He, Qingyang Hu, Yi Zhang, Hongxia Cao*, Xueping Nan. Effects of irrigation and nitrogen management strategies on soil nitrogen and apple yields in loess plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management. 2023, 280, 30 April 2023, 108220
[7] Zijian He, Hongxia Cao*, Qingyang Hu, Yi Zhang, Xueping Nan*, Zhijun Li. Optimization of apple irrigation and N fertilizer in Loess Plateau of China based on ANP-EWM-TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 311, 111794, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111794
[8] Zijian He, Hongxia Cao*, Jiaping Liang*, Qingyang Hu, Yi Zhang, Xueping Nan, Zhijun Li. Effects of biochar particle size on sorption and desorption behavior of NH4+-N. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022,Volume189, 2022, 115837
[9] Lijie Guo, Hongxia Cao*, Warren D.Helgason, Hui Yang, Xuanyi Wu, Hongzheng Li. Effect of drip-line layout and irrigation amount on yield, irrigation water use efficiency, and quality of short-season tomato in Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management. 2022, Volume 270, 1 August 2022, 107731 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107731
[10] Yang Liao, Hong-Xia Cao*, Xing Liu, Huang-Tao Li, Qing-Yang Hu, Wen-Kai Xue. By increasing infiltration and reducing evaporation, mulching can improve the soil water environment and apple yield of orchards in semiarid areas. Agricultural Water Management. 2021, 253: 106936.
[11] YangLiao, Hong-XiaCao*, Wen-KaiXue, XingLiu. Effects of the combination of mulching and deficit irrigation on the soil water and heat, growth and productivity of apples. Agricultural Water Management. 2021, 243: 106482.
[12] 刘星,曹红霞*,廖阳,周宸光,李黄涛. 滴灌模式对苹果光合特性、产量及灌溉水利用的影响. 中国农业科学,2021,54(15):3264-3278
[13] 王虎兵,曹红霞*,郝舒雪,潘小燕. 温室番茄植株养分和光合对水肥耦合的响应及其与产量关系[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(10): 1761-1771
[14] Shuxue Hao, Hongxia Cao*, Hubing Wang, Xiaoyan Pan. 2019. Effects of water stress at different growth stages on comprehensive fruit quality and yield in different bunches of tomatoes in greenhouses [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 12 (3):67-76
[15] Shuxue Hao, Hongxia Cao*, Hubing Wang, Xiaoyan Pan. 2019. The physiological responses of tomato to water stress and re-water in different growth periods [J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 249:143-154
[1] 曹红霞(8/20),温室作物节水调质高效灌溉技术研究与应用,教育部,科技进步,省部二等奖,2016(杜太生;康绍忠;高丽红;郭萍;胡笑涛;韩万海;陈其兵;曹红霞;侯书林;胡田田;佟玲;李思恩;邱让建;陈金亮;王峰;彭治云;王淑萍;唐学林;刘英超;陈任)(科研奖励)
[2] 胡笑涛;康绍忠;蔡焕杰;马孝义;曹红霞;王文娥;李志军;一种渗漏测量仪及用其测量渗漏量的方法,2011-11-16,中国,ZL201010110194.2(专利)
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